Elm Leys Parking Guidance
ELMC have sought feedback on parking and used this to define the Elm Leys parking guidance below. The guidance takes account of certain obligations on householders, which are defined in the property title deeds. These specific obligations can be legally enforceable. We ask householders to respect the parking guidance in order to comply with your covenant obligations and help maintain fair access to shared spaces for everyone.
No boat, lorry, caravan, trailer, commercial or trade vehicle should be parked on the road, pathway, shared parking space, private drive or any of the Management Company Land save that, roadworthy light vans below 2500KG gross unladen weight are permitted to be parked on a private drives (see Covenant section below).
Any trades people performing work for an Elm Leys householder and with a commercial vehicle needed for the purposes of their work can park in a shared space or on the roadside for the duration of their activities. The householder should check they are parked with consideration for access.
Shared spaces are not intended for the sole use of one householder for long term storage of a vehicle – ideally a vehicle should not be stored in a shared space i.e. unmoved, for more than 2 weeks.
No SORN Registered vehicles should be stored on shared parking spaces, roads or pathways or any of the Management Company land.
Where a householders has visitors with vehicles, please encourage them to use your drive or the shared parking spaces rather than parking on the road or over pathways
Please note: The Title Deed Restrictive Covenants for Elm Leys householders states the following with regards to parking and vehicles and this has been accounted for in the guidance above.
Householders may not:-
Park at any time on any or part of the Management Company Area or on the property any boat, lorry, commercial or trade vehicles (except trade vehicles in the course of delivering goods to or supplying services to the property) of any description trailer or caravan SAVE THAT the parking of any roadworthy light van with gross unladen weight not exceeding 2500KG at the property shall not breach this
Permit any vehicles of any description or any articles to obstruct any part or parts of the Management Company Areas nor at any time to obstruct or deposit any matter of thing of whatever nature thereon save in the exercise of the right granted by paragraph 7 of the First Schedule.