Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023
Date: Wednesday 26th April 2023
Time: 8pm
Location: Wingrave Community Centre
Welcome & apologies of absence and note any proxies.
Confirm shareholders (including proxies) are present and eligible to vote.
Vote on the constitution
To form the basis of operation for the AGM and all future AGM meetings.
Retrospective vote of the year one fees.
If no objections have been received in advance, then prior year fees are approved.Approval of change to Articles of Association
As laid out in the approved Constitution.Receive and approve the Director’s Annual Report.
Receive and Approve the Committee Risk Register.
Consider and approve the Company’s accounts for the year ending 31st March.
Agree the Annual Service Charge for the forthcoming year.
Elect (or re-elect) the Independent Examining Accountant.
Receive resignations from retiring directors.
Elect (or re-elect) the directors for the forthcoming year.
Consider any resolution put forward by the shareholders.
Any other business of the Company.
Date of next meeting.